Dear Ms. Brann

3 min readNov 3, 2024


I am aware that my words can’t reach you anymore.

Strangely enough, the news swings right by me. It’s quite dissonant like the sound of clashing war from some other continent. A poet once told me that “there is no more grief for us than a bowl of rice”. Even during the lowest of lowest, life prolongs as if the business is as usual. We wake up in the morning to feed ourselves.

To update the status of my being, Ludium launched a series of programs called Road to Global Stages. It was a six month long program to send builders, the terminology used for workers in Web3, to Global Conferences and Hackathons, software developer contests. Ludium was in Dubai during October and now we are waiting for the one in Bangkok soon.

In Web3, there are organizations called Foundations who seek to onboard products and services, mostly in the form of software application, to boost their ecosystem. It’s kinda like the early Greek days in Illiad where heroes and demi gods, whether it be Menelaus from Sparta, Odysseus from Ithica, or Achilles with Black Ship, taunt the Achians and Aeneans to onboard to their ship, fight for the rage. I am basically an errand boy running around the port shouting “The mighty king of Acadia is looking for 100 soldiers on their ship, you take whatever you hoard”.

Market is the ultimate battle field where attracting the power, mostly in the form of crypto currency, denominated in US Dollar to the current date, is the primary objective. Just like any battle, schemes and sophistry prevails while little to no value is generated on the pretence of ideology. In the mean time, many souls lose the last sight of the light, perhaps literally, or more figuratively by abdicating the last decency as a humanity.

Unfortunately, Web3 is not the major battle front for the entire humanity. “The Real World”, as coined by the Web3 influencers, is in much severe turmoil than playround of the Web3 hooligans. It seems as if the entire traditional value is at stake. Maybe I am leaning towards an extreme but I cannot see any other alternative but a full collision, for the better or for worse. I am terrified with what will happen in 2025.

Recently, the dread brought me to look into the world population over time. Apparently, with the exception of massive crash during black death during the 14th Century, human population grew. Even during the World War I and World War II, humanity progressed, for the lack of a better term. It found a way out. While I am not trying to actively endorse the calamity that I forsee, and God knows I hope it doesn’t happen at all, even if it were to be the reality, well, the show will go on.

In the mean time, Ludium is making a progress. Successful projects were launched on different ecosystems which is brining more foundations, to our doors. I am juggling like 10 projects at a time. It is quite unfortunate that I could not make it to Annpolis on October. In which case, I would have seen you for the last time instead of receiving messages from the my class mates who were there in person.

I remember that the last time I cried like a child was during after the graduation ceremony. I infamously made a speech about how the light of the truth sucks and should get my shadow back, tossed a lit cigartte into the champaign glass, and drank it in front of the crowd. I even remember the look on your face when I came back to the seat next to you. Outside, I cried like I never cried before. It was an end and a beginning. Maybe the next time I visit Annapolis, I will bawl in tears. Until then, I hope the grass is still green from your side.

I can’t ask for your prayers anymore. It is my turn to make yours.





Written by 아곤

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